In the beginning...
Welcome to the Compact Disc Preservation Society. The plan is to eventually review every album in my CD collection (numbering around 700). I use the term "review" loosely, because I may use a CD as jumping off point for ruminations on music, popular culture, or Foucault's Panopticon. I expect to post a few times a week, unless the public shames me into posting more frequently, or demands that I give up this exercise in narcissism and musical wankery.
At 1:53 PM,
roger said…
First comment ever.
Dude, 700 CDs . . . holy sh1t. Don't let Zephyr know. He'll keep buying until he has more than you - if he doesn't already.
At 9:01 PM,
djn said…
Roger posted twice but to two different posts so that technically makes this the 2nd comment ever only because he KNEW you were starting a blog so he got a head start.
Do you take requests?
I love music. Would love to hear your thoughts on anything Pink Floyd'ish as I love them most.
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